Thursday, September 30, 2010

First Week of Classes :)

After a long awaited time, classes have finally started this week.  This semester I am studying Fashion Buying 1, Financial Management 1, Product Technology Management 1 and Fashion Theory 2.  I am very excited about my classes -- they seem to be very interesting and about things I love and enjoy.  

So far this week I have only been to Fashion Theory 2 and Product Technology Management 1.  Fashion Theory 2 is a course that has a learn how modernity and postmodernity have influenced fashion.  We will be taking a field trip to the Manchester Art Gallery and looking at art work.  Product Technology Management 1 is a CAD or computer aided design classes but specifically for fashion.  We will be doing 3 projects on the computer and our first one is a mood board.  Once I am finished maybe I will post my work on here.  

Stay tuned for more about my classes and adventures in Manchester.  This afternoon I have Fashion Buying 1 and then tomorrow I have Fashion Buying 1 again and Financial Management 1 as well.  

Love you all, Allie

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