Sunday, September 12, 2010

2 days

Well today is official, only 2 days left until I get on a big bird and fly towards Manchester, England.  I am very excited, but the nerves have finally set in.  I am curious what to expect and I am very curious just to see and take everything in.  With such little time left in the US, I have packed, but mainly spent time with family and friends.  Oh and on my cell phone.  I will miss all the people dear to me, but being in England without a cell phone will definitely be different.  I will have to get used to using other means of communication to talk to friends and family across the ocean.

I will let you all know how my flight from SF --> O'hare goes and beyond.  Thank you to all of you who have wished me good luck in the UK, I plan on having an experience of a lifetime.

Love & Best Wishes, allie

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