Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Exciting News :)

I have exciting news for all of you across the seas.  I am going on my first adventure beyond Manchester.  I will be traveling to London this weekend with Miya and Aaron.  Miya is a Fashion Buying student from Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City but from Seattle, WA and Aaron is an International Business student from his hometown university, Buffalo State.  We are leaving Manchester on Thursday by train and then exploring London until Sunday morning when we venture back to Manchester to start out course units.  

I also have officially been in Manchester one week.  I arrive last Tuesday and I have made it one week on my own in a big city.  It is great here.  I am loving the places and the people I have met so far, but it will never be like home.  Home sweet home.  

One last thing.  This is an exciting week because tomorrow I will get to know the classes I will be taking.  So I will be taking for courses/classes in the program of Fashion Buying, but I will know specifics tomorrow.  That will be nice because I have been waiting for this "timetable" or what we would call a schedule for ages.  In America we get our timetables months in advance, but here they wait until the week before classes.

Keep up with me as I travel to London this weekend!

love and miss you all. allie

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