Tuesday, November 23, 2010

In My last 30 Days....

Hey Everyone,

Wow! Time is surely winding down here in Manchester. I can't believe I have made it to this point of saying I only have one month left. Just yesterday it feels like I was hugging my mom goodbye and now soon, I will be back home for Christmas.

In my last thirty days here in Manchester, I am going to accomplish a lot!  First off, I have a report for Fashion Buying I am finishing today (even if it kills me), a writing worksheet for Fashion Theory, a Financial Management test, and 1 CAD project and a test for Product Technology Management.  And all of those things are due between December 6th and December 17th. But enough with the work and on to the fun things.  First off, I am having my first Thanksgiving away from home and some of us Americans are having a semi-traditional meal.  I will upload some photos after Thursday evening. And then one of the things I am most excited about is the MANCHESTER UNITED game on Saturday, November 27th against Blackburn.  Supposedly, they aren't the greatest team, but I am just excited about the atmosphere and going to a 'match'.  And last but certainly not least, I am going to Paris with Danielle on Dec 17th - Dec 20th, which will be a great way to end my trip.  

Lastly, I want to wish everyone a lovely Thanksgiving back home in the USA.  I am very thankful for my family and friends around the world. You people have blessed my life and I hope some how, I can touch your life as well.  I am also very thankful I got to have this experience in England as it has opened my eyes to so many new things and opportunities.  Last but not least, I thank the Lord for everything he has blessed me with a good family, lovely friends, and food on the table.  

Miss and Love you, Allie

p.s. this seems unreal, but this is my families first Thanksgiving not all together.  :( mom and dad will be in warm L.A. and robby will be in sunny Florida and the girls will be home with their families.  as robby quoted we are just jet setters. :)

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