Sunday, December 12, 2010

Almost done....


is the only saying that can sum up my studies and trip to England....It's almost done, which is making me sad, but also joyous as I will be able to see my family during this holiday season.

First off, the past few weeks have been filled with early nights, days at the library, and just working on assignments.  My fashion buying assignment is done and turned in and now I am finalizing my other classes.  I have my Financial Management and Product Technology Management exams tomorrow at 2pm and 3pm. Wish me luck. :) And then my CAD projects, #1 my moodboard and #2 my packaging workbook, are due on Thursday, Dec 16th at 1pm.  I am finishing up my fashion theory worksheet right now as we speak, I needed a 5 minute homework break, and that is technically due on Friday, Dec 17th, but I will be turning it in on Thursday since I am leaving for Paris on Friday.  Thursday by 3pm, I will be totally finished with all my assignments.

All this being said, I am still very said that I will be leaving England and leaving behind so many great friends here and all over the world.  I hope I can stay in touch with them.  :)  I will sure miss everyone.

My mind is telling me to get back to work.  Until next time, seasons greetings and warm holiday wishes.

Peace, Love, & Faith, allie

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