Wednesday, September 1, 2010

12 days and counting!

Hey Everyone,

As many know I am off to Manchester, England in 12 days to start a new chapter of my life for a short while.  I am taking on a study abroad adventure and studying at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU).  While there I will be studying in the program of Fashion Buying.

I wanted to create a central place all of you (friends & family) can go to read about my time in Manchester and traveling around Europe.  I want to keep you updated at least once a week, but hopefully more often with stories and photos.

Just a little update as to where I am at in my pre-MMU planning.  I have all of my paperwork lined up and on a logistics stand point I am ready to go.  Mentally, I am ready to go, but not quite physically left.  It looks like a tornado has gone off in my room the past few days as I have been looking through my clothes and trying to sort out what will be brought and what will be left.  You know that is very hard for a fashion diva like myself.  :) But I think I found the solution to it all, space saving bags.  I will put things in them and then vacuum out the air, it shrinks the clothes down quite a bit.  I thought by starting to pack early I would save my mom some laundry next week, but oh I forgot we are still not caught up for being gone at the Nationals for 10 once again laundry will be an never ending project for her.

I will write again soon.  September 13th is where it all begins at the Sioux Falls airport with 3 other lovely ladies.

love and best wishes, allie

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